Haslingfield Methodist Church

  • High Street
  • Haslingfield
  • Cambridge
  • UK
  • CB23 1JW




Everyone is invited
Holy Communion, or the Lord's Supper, is the central act of Christian worship, in which the Church responds to our Lord's command, 'Do this in remembrance of me'*.  In this means of grace the Church joyfully celebrates the presence of Christ in its midst, is united with Christ and with each other, and shares in a foretaste of 'the heavenly banquet prepared for all people'. John Wesley believed that Holy Communion was not just a confirming ordinance but a converting one, and Methodists today share his belief that this means of grace may draw people to make a further commitment to Christ. Methodism, therefore, opens its table to 'all who love the Lord Jesus or who seek to love him', including children, and in this spirit of unity and inclusivity we welcome all to share with us in Holy Communion at Haslingfield Methodist Church. In keeping with Methodist practice, the juice of the grape is used for our communion, but it is non-alcoholic.

* 1 Corinthians 11:24-25