Haslingfield Methodist Church
Welcome to Haslingfield Methodist Church
Please join us for any of our services over the coming month. We have lots of activities during the week you are also welcome to join us for, including an informal "Coffee House" every Monday morning, which is an opportunity to chat and relax over a cuppa and a biscuit or two!
Messy Church - 3pm Sunday 1st September - Everyone Welcome! The theme is - New Beginnings
Church services take place weekly at 10am on Sunday mornings. Our building is fully accessible and everyone is welcome. If you would like any more details about access or if you have any questions, please contact us via email or via Facebook - search for "Haslingfield Methodist Church" For more information, see our "Sunday Services" tab.
We are a friendly Christian Church serving Haslingfield and the neighbouring villages and we strive to be a fully inclusive Christian community - our building is accessible and has provision for people who are visually and hearing impaired.
There is a warm welcome to all our activities.
Our Sunday Morning worship is at normally at 10.00am.
(see 'Sunday Services for variations)
The 10am service usually includes hymns, readings and an address and lasts for about 1 hour. Children and young people are very welcome and we are able to provide age appropriate activities for children.
Our Minister is Revd Charity Nzegwu. Charity took over from Revd Alison Walker who moved to a new responsibility in the Methodist Church in August 2022.
We hope you enjoy our web site. If you have any comments contact the webmaster